
    Safest, most natural
    volume in the medical aesthetics industry


    It is a self-renewing collagen booster that combines the polymer PLA and hyaluronic acid found in human skin tissue. Unlike other fillers that produce an immediate volume effect after injecting into skin, it stimulates the autologous collagen production to create natural volume, and also improves skin elasticity, fine lines, and texture.

    Elasticity and Glow at once, Juvelook

    It improves volume and stimulates collagen to give new life to deeply sunken skin!

    The best part of Juvelook is that the particles, called P(DL)LA, stimulate collagen production in the skin to create natural volume, and the ingredients are safe as they decompose and do not remain in the body.

    Juvelook skin booster that's more natural because it's my collagen

    Unlike regular fillers, which have an immediate volume effect after injection, Juvelook skin booster makes your skin look natural and improves skin elasticity, fine lines, and texture.

    • Juvelook

      The particles are small, so it's perfect for slightly sunken areas, fine lines, pores, shallow scars, and improving skin texture.

    • Juvelook Volume

      The particles are a bit larger than Juvelook, so it's perfect for deeper sunken areas, deep scars, wrinkles, and more.

    Juvelook Particle Shape

    Even if it has the same PDLLA structure, the internal reticular structure increases the strength of the particles and provides a larger contact surface than the smooth shell-like wall surface, which is superior to the collagenogenic reaction and also good for biodegradation.

    Procedure Q&A

    • Q.

      Are there any side effects after the procedure?

    • The drug particles are very small, so you can return to daily life right after the procedure with almost no bruising or injection marks.

    • Q.

      What is the recommended frequency of the procedure?

    • Juvelook starts to work 1-2 weeks after treatment, with the biggest effects felt after 1 month.
      The results last for 3-4 months for a single treatment and 1.5-2 years for 3 treatments. (Varies by person)
      We recommend at least 3 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart, but the frequency and number of treatments may differ depending on individual conditions.